Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

By: Britney WinterRock


Hmm its only white and pink…i’m still working on getting cowgirl boots and cowgirl hat both pink.

Stats are-


Riding: 23

Caring: 19

Command: 13

Jumping: 19


Strength: 10

Discipline: 9

Swiftness: 10

Endurance: 8

Agility: 11

I wear it all the time lol i don’t know what to say i love about it…maybe its just that i choose two colors that stick together really well…

Lovely shades of pink, let us know what it looks like with the boots! :D 
Thank you, Britney and Spring Darling!
This will be added to the fashion page as soon as I get it adjusted.

It’s the weekend. You know what that means. Updates!

If you guys haven’t caught onto my system yet, I’m really a weekend update kind of person. It’s when I have the most time to devote to SSO and the blog. But here’s what I know for a fact is going to happen tomorrow. (er, later, it’s tomorrow all ready.)



I’m reorganizing the blog, and hair guide.



–I’ve got some more hair styles and make up to add, so I’ll be breaking it down by town.  It will have a drop down menu. 



— I’ll also be putting a guide for the submitted outfits, so you know what tack pieces they are. 




— I’ve got “Follow The Tracks”, “In a pinch with the smuggler boss”

— “Hooves on the beach” I’ve got locations of the horse shoes. 

– “Sea Horse”,  “Where is my first mate?” : Also the location of the compass and navigation chart tips. 

– The entire quest line that starts with “Male Ghost”  — Very sweet. 


— And because I refuse to spoil the main quest line for you I have some juicy pictures from my quest in the search of Justin Moorland. Just a few sneak peeks. 

— Sun key location. 

— Location of ancient wood for “Even better shoes” 

— Fishing! What that’s like, and what you can expect. 

— And some advice about the druid training — Which is where I am in game right now.  So I litterally have no quests at this moment. Only chores. 



In the future:

— Horse breed break down -screen shots are done, just putting everything together. 

— I’ve started to notice a lot of players like to write! (OMG yay!) So how about  listing of all Star stable fan stories I can find, as well as some writer resources. (Programs,  prompts, character sheets etc) I write in my spare time…that’s a love affair of mine, guys. Be warned.  Oh! and a “How to guide” to make your story into a PDF file so you can download it onto your e-reader! 

— Resources : I’ll be making a page specifically for resources and other SSO sites. (“Mod Campaign”, “Where to find the best gear guides.” “Quests”,  “Funny SSO Bloggers” “Great SSO Videos” Etc…” ) 

— Then I’ll have yet another category for other horsey things. May it be books, Movies you can watch online, drawing tutorials,  so on and so forth. 


So..I’m going to be busy… oh boy.

Where are the wolves / Dances With Wolves

Shortly after arriving to Golden hills, this becomes one of your first quest lines. It takes a day or two, but I’m putting all together for you. I’ve seen pictures of the GHV wolves and have been waiting to do these quests for a while.



Yay! Okay, okay. I’ll get on with this.



Jasper has returned to his former home.

Jasper has returned to his former home.

Quest Giver: Jasper

  •  Where are the wolves? 

Jasper has herd reports of wolves chasing riders off of Shadow Hill. He want’s to know if they’re actually as agressive as the stories let on.

So you get to ride up shadow Hill.  Just follow the path.



You’ll find a wolf eventually…




It will howl…


And then…



Ride back to Jasper and speak to him.


  • A Serious Warning

Jasper will give you signs to put up along the hill side, once you’ve done that, return to him.

  • Wolf or dog, what does it matter?

I’ll admit this had me banging my head on my desk. This is only plausible in the world of star stable. But go to Linn in the riding house and ask her for dog treats.  Once you have them, you’re going to feed this guy…




  • Who’s afraid of the wolf?

Return to Jasper


(Wait until tomorrow) 


  • Dance With wolves


You knew that one was coming didn’t you?  I was waiting for it. All you have to do is check to see if the wolves will play nice.




After that feeding the wolves to keep them happy becomes a daily quest for golden hills.



A Response about Mods

As many of you know, I’m very pro  mod.  (Moderator) I’m only one of many. I sent in yet another letter and I finally got a response back. It wasn’t really what I was expecting or even hoping for. But I’ll share it, because it does give important information about what to do if you need to report another player.


Hello there, Please forgive me if this isn’t sectioned under the right subject, what I’m about to ask certainly feels like a game issue. How do you want players to proceed when it comes to reporting player issues? And by that I mean, how do you want us as a player base to report and handle issues like:

— Bullying

— Cursing

— Spam

I’m asking because for global chat, this is a constant. If I could describe the global channel in a word, it would be volatile. It’s always an option to close the chat window or to avoid the channel when things are getting heated. One might think that’s an easy feat to do. For an adult like myself, who only plays around to unwind, yes. But I imagine that for the age group this game is targeted for, it’s not quite that simple to turn the other cheek.

I say all this to suggest a moderating system. From what I understand, messages are moderated now, but there are times when immediate action is needed. Especially for the bullying. Never in a million years did I think I’d be saying this, but there really needs to be consequences for the wrong actions. And I think the player base needs more clarity on what those actions are. I’ve heard rumors that a volunteer system is being tested out, and I’m hoping that this is true.(My fingers are crossed.) But until then, what would you like us players to do when we are in or we witness these situations in the chat room?

The two major things that pop in my head are to avoid the conflict, to use the ignore function, and close the chat window. The other is to take a screen capture and send it in. But what kind of details would the staff need to know? (Other than details of the situation.) I really enjoy this game, and I want to see it grow. Mind you this is just my opinion, but I really do believe that a moderator system would help it do just that.

Thanks for your time.


##My Real Name##

(Player Avery NightRoad)

The Response:

Hi (My real name),

The chat is indeed moderated and there are consequences for bullying, which ranges from temporary suspension to permanent ban and removal of the ability to chat.
At the moment, we cannot put moderators on all our servers – we have around 15 servers in several different languages in different countries with different time zones – and it is impossible for us to manage the chat this way. We currently read through the chat logs every day. Our chat systems flags anything that is against the rules or seems to be filter avoidance for us to look at and we can act on it.

If you wish to help and want to report players, just message us to this address with the username and what they did that breaks the rules. You can also send us screenshots of the chat window when you see someone being abusing, flooding the chat with repeated symbols or harassing other players for their accounts. Anything that breaks our Terms of Service can be reported and we will investigate it and deal with the user breaking the rules.

Thank you for your message and your feedback.

Catherine, Star Stable support

So what to do should you see bullying, spam or filter blocking.

– Take a screen shot (See link below for tutorial)

– List the user name of the party(ies) involved

– They don’t list this, but give them a time if you can, it may make it easier for them to comb through chat logs.

– Send it to the support team.

(I tend to get faster response with the contact form)

After this my hope for moderators on all servers was definitely deflated. 
Not diminished. Just deflated.

How to make a screenshot (PC or Mac)

Ever wonder how players take pictures  in game? Well, wonder no more! I’m about to show you how. On top of that I’m going to show you how to remove the interface so you don’t have maps, buttons and stats choking up your pretty pictures.

Psst… this is for PC and Mac users!

Step one:

Open the end game menu.

You can do this two ways:

A) Click on the phone


B) Use the [Esc] button


Step Two:

Select Options


Step Three:

Select  “Hide user interface”


Step Four:

Click Okay. Don’t worry, you can turn your interface back on by hitting the [Esc] button again.


Step Five:

Okay, this is where people get lost.  Just stick with me and you’ll be okay.

PC Peeps:

You’ll need to open something to “Paste” an image into.  I use “Notebook” because I can write about the pictures as well as save them but basic paint will work just fine. If you have photo shop or PSP, or even Gimp, those will work fine too.

(If you don’t have those programs, go to your accessories and open paint)

Okay, got something open and waiting?

Let’s move on.

Look at your keyboard, and find your [prnt sc] button.  It stands for “Print Screen” .

If your computer has keys that shares functions like mine, it may be a secondary key.  If this is the case,you’ll do this:

Press your

[fn lock] key


hold your [Fn] key as you push [prnt sc]

If you print screen key, doesn’t have other stuff on it, don’t worry about the Fn stuff.

Go to the paint program you opened (or whatever program you used)

Edit –> Paste

You’ll have something like this:


File –> Save as

Name the file what ever you like

Save it as one of the following:

Jpeg, or PNG, make sure you’re saving it somewhere you can find it. For example I have a folder on my desktop where I keep all of my SSO pictures.

Mac Peeps:

Screen shots automatically save to your desktop.  Lucky you!

Here’s how you do that:

Press and hold these three buttons

[Command] [Shift] [3]

My computer at work, makes a little camera noise that lets me know it’s working.

You’ll have to rename the file. (I think that’s a pain in the bum) and move it where you want it.

You now have an image that’s ready to be uploaded!

You can now upload your picture onto the internet!  I upload my photos by Facebook and wordpress the majority of the time, but if you find that you need somewhere else to upload it, I recommend photobucket. It’s free and there’s a lots of space for pictures.

That’s how you take a screenshot. If you need help just give me a shout, I’ll do my best to walk you through it.  You can also use other programs to add filters to your images, but I’ll cover that later.  This is just the bare bones basics.

You’re invited to a BBQ this weekend

Moorland Girls invites you…


To a BBQ in the Highlands…




And to join us for the Moorland Championship Races…





This Saturday and Sunday!

What Time:

1:30 Before the race begins

This will give us enough time to do practice runs of the race, have a BBQ and maybe even a fashion show before the race!


Want to attend?


Just message me in game and let me know what day you’ll be on!


Hope to see you there!

– Avery NightRoad




New Content Coming!

If you guys haven’t noticed, I mainly do updates during the weekends. I’m a college student and I also happen to work for a newspaper. Things tend to get a little hectic.  For me , SSO is a way to relax and unwind.  So there might be days that I may not be able to touch the game at all. (Especially days when I’m crawling out of the office at 1am.)  But I promise I am working on some new content. But first… I must finish most of my homework. (Oh, joy.)

On the way…

— Screenshot Tutorial

— Wolf quests

— Some shots of some interesting quests you’ll encounter. (I refuse to spoil the story for you.)

— Star page ( WIP)

—  More hair and makeup

—  More outfits!

Club Members! You’re more than welcome to write posts!

You will need to have or make your own WordPress account!

If any of you are interested, please message me in game.