A hint about a threat/Techno the guard dog

When I saw this one pop up on my log…I was intregued. Guess who we get to talk to? Mr. Slime Ball himself!

  • A hint about a threat

— Mr. Kembell


He’ll hint about something happening to the ridding hall. When I rode down there this is what I found:


Graffiti. I keep hoping for a tragic dozer accident to happen to Mr. Slime Ball. Er…nah, we’ll stick with Slime Ball.

  • Done cleaning

Go speak to Tyra, she’ll ask you to clean it up. And yes, you can clean the spray paint from inside or outside. There’s paint cans in both arenas.

Speak to Tyra again, and wait till tomorrow.


  • A watch dog


She’s going to send you over to Landon to pick up Techno. He’s not much of herding dog, but he’s a good watch dog!



Take him back to Tyra.

  • Show Techno his new home

Okay, I can’t promise on the title of that quest, I’ll be honest…I don’t remember but it’s along those lines. Anywho. What your going to do is lead Techno to the ridding hall. For such a small dog, the little bugger can be quick. If he takes off don’t worry, he stops and waits for you.




(I can’t remember if you have to wait till the next day or not…)


  • A house for the dog

Take the dog house down to Techno




Speak to the Baroness. She’ll tell you they have to get to Mr. Slime Ball through legal channels. (This may happen before hand. I’m writing this up from memory.)

Brace yourself for what’s coming next…

Ghost In the Cellar?



  • — A ghost in the wine cellar

Crap. Casper is in this game too? Let’s head over to the wine cellar and see what Tyra is freaking out about.

I’ve always wondered what I would find when I was finally able to do this quest. It wasn’t what I expected. Note: You must be level 12 before this one will pop up. 


  • This isn’t North Link

And you’re not bugs bunny. -.-

Talk to the trainee.

  • Which bottle is the right one for the baroness?

Select the sparkly bottle on the shelf and deliver it to the baroness. She’ll inquire about the cellar and you’ll masterfully dodge a bullet. Why the character has cover for someone else’s mistakes…I don’t know. But You’re off to get rid of an imaginary wasp nest.

  • — Origination of  the years

Speak to the trainee again

  • — To hide a cellar

Pick up the five barrels in the room, and one by one, drop them out of your inventory in the door way. Just follow the pixie dust. Once you’ve done that go to the Baroness. She will then insist upon meeting you in the cellar. (She’s the fastest moving person I know.) Seeing  the barrels she’ll assume that the cellar is overflowing with wine and needs to be expanded. Guess who gets that job? Remove the barrels and talk to the trainee.

  • –Big hole to fill.

And a lot of butt kissery too. -.-

Talk to the crew leader at North Link He’ll tell you the shipment was lost. I think he forgot just who put him and Ms.Morse together…cranky butt.

  • — Lost Concrete

So the guy is lost and we have to find him. Yay…


It was a pain in the ass. But I found him on Old silverglade road.  His coordinates are X:154 Y: 199. You can find these by hovering your mouse over your map in map view.

Talk to him, ignore the spelling errors.

  • —  New instructions for the driver

Go on over to the winery, and talk to him there.

Wait until tomorrow.